Modernizing: Irrigators' Hydraulic Infrastructure.

Geotesan NT 40 and NT 15 - Alcolea de Cinca, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain


110,000 m² of Geotesan NT 40 (350 g/m²) and 6,050 m² of Geotesan NT 15 (125 g/m²)

Materials supplied for the REGULATION RESERVOIR OF 885,000 m3: 

  • 110,000 m² of Geotesan NT 40 as a protective element for the waterproofing membrane. 
  • 6,050 m² of Geotesan NT 15 as a filtering element for drainage. 

Execution of the works outlined in the comprehensive modernization project of the hydraulic infrastructure of the Community.

Project Geotexan Project Geotexan

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